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期刊名称 论文名称 作者 发表时间
经济日报 通金融“血脉” 强农业“肌体” 张萍 2024-03-23
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Do stock swap bidders suspend their stock trading? Evidence from China Qingyu Qi(外);Konari Uchida(外);刘剑蕾 2024-03-15
Finance Research Letters Restricting Pay Gap Backfires: The Case of Bank Misconduct 焦安琪;孙冉(学);刘春波(外) 2024-03-15
中国管理科学 中国股市存在互联网媒体关注溢价吗? 何枫;杜寒玉(外);郝晶 2024-03-07
数量经济技术经济研究 数字化转型与银行信贷配置——基于银行贷款投向实体经济的视角 丁鑫(外);周晔 2024-03-05
INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Female directors and CSR: Does the presence of female directors affect CSR focus? 任幸子;Li, Jiarong(外);Wang, Xing(外);Lei, Xingfan(外) 2024-03-01
Empirical Economics Early-life disaster experience and commercial insurance demand: evidence from the Great Famine in China 王晓全(外);方雨;丁宇刚(外);陈华(外) 2024-03-01
International Review of Financial Analysis Economic policy uncertainty and stock market volatility in China: Evidence from SV-MIDAS-t model 汪念玲;Yin, Jiyuan(外);Li, Yong(外) 2024-03-01
Economic Modelling Stabilizing leverage, financial technology innovation, and commercial bank risks: Evidence from China 余晶晶 2024-02-15
Computing Generalized hurdle count data models based on interpretable machine learning with an application to healthcare demand 徐昕;叶涛(外);高杰英;褚冬晓(学) 2024-02-15
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